Posts Categorized: Really?

Product placement

I still have friends that complain about product placement in movies. It used to be something that got to me as well but many years ago I kinda just got over it. Why? Because it properly reflects a realistic version of the world we live in. Look down at your clothes, look at your desk, […]

Stop Living in the Past

Nostalgianoun a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal association something done or presented in order to evoke feelings of nostalgia I get why nostalgia sells. For the most part it just makes people feel good. It is a familiarity taking you back to a […]

Comfort Food

When life is hard, I have a habit of wanting to go back to a simpler time, when things were easy. When smiles, laughter, contentment didn’t have to be worked for and nothing was in the way of just enjoying life. The thing that allows me to do that, in the most economical way, is […]

Are Diamonds Forever?

Do you want to know why most men believe they need to spend 2-3 months salary on an engagement ring and why some women still believe they should hold their would-be husbands to that standard? Well, you can blame De Beers. Before the late 1930’s relatively few people bought diamond engagement rings. People… …more

What’s going on

Over the last, almost, year and a half, life seems to have run away from me. Not because I was doing so much but really because I could do so little. I have gone through some things in the last while that have made it difficult for me to create and articulate. But in recent times I… […]

Real or Made-up?

Real or Made-Up? When I was a kid I was intrigued by makeup. I would stand by my mother, her hair in curlers as she applied powders, creams, and colours, getting ready for the day. I wanted to do the same. Despite dabbing a little lipstick on my lips and brushing a… …more

An Argument Against Binge Watching

An Argument Against Binge Watching With the advent of easily acquired content people tend to binge on visual media. Specifically TV shows and sometimes movie franchises. People will sit for 10 or 15 hours straight watching the new season of a show that was… …more

Christmas in NYC

Over this past Christmas I went for a short, pleasant trip across the border to New York. Well, really, New Jersey but New York was just a train ride away. I have been to the Big Apple many times in my life as my aunt lives there and growing up it was an excuse to […]


Disappointed Wednesday morning I didn’t go to work. I was hungover and disappointed. This was November 9th, a day some say will go down in infamy. I had been out the night before, a friend threw an election party. Yes, a party in Canada about the US Election. This isn’t my usual… …more

Thought of Food

Thought of Food When living alone one of the hardest things to do is staying fed without going broke or getting scurvy. A lot of people have an issue with that not because they do not want to eat properly but because they lack the skills necessary to make food they enjoy and… …more