Posts Categorized: Audio

Not sure Yet

Not Sure Yet Last weekend, with much fanfare and anticipation, “Star Trek Discovery” premiered. Before the first 2 episodes of the show aired, quite a few of my friends were adamant in finding out what my… …more

Real or Made-up?

Real or Made-Up? When I was a kid I was intrigued by makeup. I would stand by my mother, her hair in curlers as she applied powders, creams, and colours, getting ready for the day. I wanted to do the same. Despite dabbing a little lipstick on my lips and brushing a… …more

Best of the Worst

Best of the Worst As a movie goer and avid comic reader, it has been clear to me for a long time that there is a problem with the DC cinematic universe. Since the horrendous Batman Forever where producers insisted on veering away from the dark humour that is Tim Burton, they… …more

Beautifully Bland

Beautifully Bland A problem that seems prevalent in a world where the technology is advancing faster than people learning how to properly utilise it, is that you get absolutely beautiful films rich in colour, texture, and wonder that lack story, intensity, and gravitas. The films often fall flat having little… …more

An Argument Against Binge Watching

An Argument Against Binge Watching With the advent of easily acquired content people tend to binge on visual media. Specifically TV shows and sometimes movie franchises. People will sit for 10 or 15 hours straight watching the new season of a show that was… …more

Perfect End

Perfect End I am going to start by saying this is a review of Logan and there will be spoilers. This hasn’t been an issue for a long time since I have been excessively lackadaisical about posting my reviews. But since the movie just came out on Friday some people… …more

We’ve still got nothing in Common

We’ve still got nothing in Common A Retro Review I had never seen Breakfast At Tiffany’s until recently and I gotta say I didn’t like it. Sacrilege! I know. It is a movie that has been praised for being a classic for a long time. People often bring up Audrey Hepburn’s beauty… …more

Going Rogue

Going Rogue On a cold, dreary, Friday the 13th, the second Friday of 2017, I am sitting at work waiting. Waiting for people to finish their job so I can begin mine. I am running out of ways to look busy while everyone else around me looks to be swamped. I flip from window… …more

A Little Late Part 1

A Little Late Part 1 While perusing some forgotten thoughts I realised that I have not posted reviews for quite a few movies. I started writing something that was just never completed or maybe I figured it was too late to say something about it. There were 17 unpublished… …more

The Doctor Is In

The Doctor Is In A couple weekends ago I went out and saw the newest addition to the MCU. An introduction to a new and different character that is unlike what has been introduced before. His ability is not based on technology, mutations, or by being godly progeny but magic. Hello Doctor… …more