More Vids

So I know I haven’t been doing a whole lot of actual writing, simply dropping some fun vids for you but hopefully later this week that will change. Actually I think I am being a bit ambitious with that statement it will probably be next week. Until then I have some more videos that I hope will be enjoyed. They are mostly movie related but all amazing, that may be a little strong, lets go with entertaining.

Iron Sky – Nazi’s on the dark side of the moon? I’ll see that.

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter – The first trailer for this was flat out horrible. This however has re-piqued my interest in it. I have a fear that it may be taking itself a little too seriously and that tends to take all the fun out of a movie that should be pure entertainment.

Snow White and the Huntsman – I can’t stand Kristen Stewart; her dead eyes and her constant look of melancholy/disgust/constipation is utterly off-putting. But despite that this movie looks like it is going to be a winner. Charlize Theron pulls off some serious bitch-face and it works.

Prometheus – I have no words.

Skittles Princess – These are some new ads for the strange Skittles campaign that has been going on for the last could of years. I don’t know if it actually works cuz when I watch it it doesn’t make we want to buy skittles but I do laugh (or cringe depending on which one I am watching) and find it thoroughly entertaining. There are 5 videos in the campaign so far but this is my favourite. Remember to follow the instructions to get the best experience.


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