Here I go again

This weekend I am moving. I hate moving. And I have moved a lot in my life.

When I was younger moving was a fun exciting thing. I didn’t have to do anything my parents would run around packing all my things. It would all fit into 1 box. Then they would take my brother and I shopping to get new stuff for our new rooms. It would be a blast. We would get to the new place and go exploring, looking for hidden doors and passages, check out the basement, and run around the yard.

But now I loathe the concept. Yeah it is still kind of cool to have a new place to make my own. I can buy new things, decorate in a new way, and just start fresh. The thing is that I have to pack my life away to do it. And the problem with that is that I have to do the work and I just have so much stuff.

Moving when you are young is free. Other people pay for the new place, rent/mortgage, furniture, and whatever else goes along with the move. But now that I have to pay for it I just wanna cry. There are a couple big purchases to make but I find it is the little purchases that make the biggest dent. They just seem to add up so quickly.

Then I have to pack all my crap. I know it is my own fault. I like to collect things and am generally a bit of a pack rat. I have my DVD, CD, comic book, and action figure collections plus a pretty expansive library, nick-knacks, clothes, my art work, hobbies, pictures and just more stuff. I like having things that remind me of places I have been and things that I have done. They allow me to look back and remember a place and time. Plus I am a huge fan of retail therapy.

This marks my 12th move. That means I have averaged a move once every 2.4 years and it has spanned 3 countries. That is a lot of moving. You would think I would be used to it by now.

I guess it is not something I will ever get used to. I will have different things and move to different places and every time it will be different. I will just suck it up and get on with it.


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