EWWW – I can’t beleive you said that!

Let’s talk about inappropriate conversations.

Is there such a thing? Well for many the answer is yes. There are many, many topics that are inappropriate to talk about and even more places in which not to have those discussions. However Tra and I seem to be missing that part of our cerebral cortex.  We talk about everything and ANYTHING from bad jokes to things I dare not mention here but least I should sound like a hypocrite I’ll share a few – We have spoken about – Arnold Schwarzenegger, language, accents, race, sex, drugs, bestiality and pornography all the way to music and art and random noises.

Have I mentioned we have an almost daily discussion about poop and douches. I Know right  See I told you inappropriate. But we have a laugh non the less. We call each other names and kick each other when we’re down – we laugh at each others stupidity and make fun of each other for our misgivings – One would think that we are not really friends but we are the best kind of friends – we don’t have to worry about what we say or how it will be taken – we just take it and move on.  Oh wait this was supposed to be a post about in appropriate conversations and I’ve turned it into some mushy piece about  Friendship – well lets’ get back on topic OK.   I have to just say that Tra was telling me about 2 girls 1 cup and you don’t wanna know and if you do … you’re sick! I have a little throw up  in my mouth right now just thinking about it.  Mmmm chunks.

I really suggest if you haven’t had an inappropriate conversation with your friends you really should – just randomly bring up a topic you think is disgusting or rude and then just throw it out there  … you’ll be surprised at the results. If you don’t laugh at it then you’re too stuck up and need to get emergency surgery to get that stick out your ass and If you threw up you went a little too far but that’s okay because you can always talk about eating the chunks, just make sure you have either eaten some peanuts or corn the night before. OH and don’t forget to have it within earshot of other people.


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