It’s that time of year

A Christmas message.

You know this is a time of year when we think about all the unfortunate people in the world from the hooker down the street and cracked out homeless people, the needy and the truly unfortunate. Then I kind of also started to think about red light districts and drugs and then it popped into my head what do you think it means that Santa’s suit is red? Apparently (to some people) only prostitutes wear red lipstick and there is that whole red light district, red is also associated with heat and hot, which is kind of what hell is supposed to be like which brought me to thinking about the devil, I guess I’m saying is that there are more than a few “bad” connotations associate with the colour red – How can we be certain that Santa is good? Maybe, I mean just maybe he isn’t.

After all let’s think about our current representation and how he was a total fabrication made by Coke. That’s right. If you didn’t know, I’m sorry to be the one to break the news to you. I mean yes there may have been a man by the name of Kris Kringle but let me tell you today’s “mascot” Santa Claus was an ad campaign for coke back in the day.  Is Santa a man whore? Does he really stand for the religiousness of the occasion or does he represent the main stream commercialism that Christmas has become?  I honestly can’t tell anymore. There are many religious people out there who if they ever read this will likely want to fight me because of course Santa is NOT a religious symbol what so ever – which is my own personal opinion as well so everyone can calm down – Then why bring it up?

Good question this was just supposed to be a quick little funny blurb about the possibilities of some not so nice connotations of a red suit and it’s turned out to be some weird kind of I don’t’ know what so I’m just going to leave it alone and say this. Give to charities this time of year, a toy or a non perishable food item to your local food bank. Be nice to the hookers on the corners and the cracked out homeless man … just because and well if you see a man in a red suit be weary.

Merry Christmas and to all a good night.

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