I don’t think I’m That Crazy

When I was on the way to the Eddie Izzard show I picked up a pack of Gummie Bears to munch on the way. While I was driving I would pop one or two in my mouth. Their gummy sugary goodness fulfilling some craving I haven’t felt in a while. After a few I was struck by how fast I was eating them and remembered the long arduous process I went through to eat them when I was younger.

At some point in time in the past I had heard something about how the way you eat Gummie Bears reflects your mental state. I can’t remember the specifics but it went along the lines of if you bite off the head first you were psychotic. If you nibble off the ears and appendages then you were sadistic. If you eat it from the bottom to the head you were a pervert. And if you ate it whole you were normal cuz you aren’t doing anything subconscious just eating candy. I am not sure if that is all right but that was the gist of it anyways.

But I never ate mine like that. I used to do all sorts of wicked things to the bears. I would snip off the head and arms and legs of more than one of them and then create my own Frankenstein’s Monster (or should I call it Bearster?). It would have an orange head, green body, yellow arms, and white feet. Or I would make other abominations with the pieces. Attach heads together, or torsos together, or just a jumble of feet and arms.

Does that mean, subconsciously, at some point I was a different kind of crazy? Was it that I wanted to be a mad scientist? I wanted to play god by making my own creatures. Bringing them to life in dark dungeon like labs as lightening flashed above. Screaming, “IT’S ALIVE!” at the top of my lungs as this beast moved, manically laughing towards the sky mocking the omnipotent being watching from above proving that I too can create life?

No, I don’t think so. If you look for meaning in something no matter what it is your mind will find a way to connect the dots to develop some kind of reasoning. Or maybe when I was you I thought something being all one colour was boring and I wanted to change things up a bit.

But who cares? Its just candy. And I eat them whole now so that makes me normal. Right?


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