I ruined it. I suppose it had to come to an end at some point. it was inevitable. I couldn’t go on living la diva loca the rest of my life even though that would have been fantastic.
You know all those days that I have woken up late, lavished in slothfulness, and enjoy my structure free days? Well those days are done. I have done something foolish and gotten myself … a job! I know I know how could I? Well being poor motivates you to do some extreme things.
I actually started yesterday so the initial shock has already worn off. It is kind of refreshing being around people during day besides my mom and my cats. I am not wasting the day staring at walls, or playing games anymore. I am now a facilities assistant at a media company.
I was supposed to write a post yesterday but when I got home I was so unbelievably wrecked. I think it was all the visual, mental, and physical (waking up and leaving the house) was a lot for me. I just plopped myself in front of the TV and didn’t move for a couple of hours, not even to eat. Then went to bed and passed out. I think I have solved my recent insomnia issues.
Anyways, on the weekend I headed out to the movies as usual and saw The Other Guys. I was expecting to laugh from beginning to end but sadly i didn’t. I made the mistake of listening to some reviews and my friend mentioned that he read a review that said it was as good as Anchorman so I was pretty hyped to see it. My expectations were increased by this information and it just couldn’t hold up to it.
Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg) is a New York detective who wants to be part of the action but his partner Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell) loves the safety of staying behind his desk. When the top detective team (Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne Johnson) get themselves killed Hoitz believes it is their chance to be in the spot light.
This movie is making light of the usual buddy-cop-action flicks. These two cops don’t like each other, Hoitz spends most of the movie insulting Gamble, and those insults are the best part of movie. The storyline itself isn’t bad. It is the usual stumble onto a case that gets seems simple at first but then gets bigger and bigger, in the end it is solved, they come out and top, and they become friends in the end.
There were some funny parts but there were also some very awkward scenes that were trying incredibly hard to be funny. Some parts of the movie were improvised but many of the people involved are obviously not improvisers. In those scenes people just seemed stuck and it was clear they were trying really hard to think of something, anything that may have been amusing.
The supporting cast was ok. It included Rob Riggle, Damon Waynes Jr, Steve Coogan, and Michael Keaton who I haven’t seen in a while. There was also Eve Mendes who didn’t really fit in. I know she was just used as the pretty face in the movie but she just really didn’t do anything. She tried her darndest to be funny but it just didn’t work.
Overall The Other Guys was ok. I don’t think it is worth seeing in the theatre but maybe a rental or on TV. It is amusing and there are one or two good laughs in there making it worth a look but in the end it wasn’t the greatest.
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