I can go

So, you know how I got a job? Well I was happy when it happened and it was a very swift process. After all that long waiting and sending out resumes the whole process took a day. It really is about who you know.

Anyways, after the initial shock of realizing i was part of a functioning society again it donned on me, I can go to FanExpo. And that made me ecstatic. I jumped around more for that I think. I can’t wait to spend money to be able to spend more money and geek out like a pro.

Last year the place was packed which was a little frustrating but it was still fun. I don’t think I got my moneys worth however. I had to wait in line for about 2 hours even though I pre-ordered my tickets. Then, when i finally got in, the heat and the shoving wasn’t working for me. So I was out of there in about an hour and a half. I also didn’t take many pics. But that is all part of last years post.

This year I am going to brave the convention again and enjoy it. I will totally be picking up some comics, figures, free stuff, and I will be taking pics of as many of the crazy costumes and whatever as possible.

I have a feeling there is going to be lots of Ramona Flowers, Envy Adams, and Scott Pilgrim costumes there. It is an easy get up, dress a little hipster and put on a wig. Done and done. (I was thinking I may possibly dress as one of the characters but there are no black people in Scott Pilgrim’s Toronto. Maybe I can create my own character, Blaque Tehocan. That might work.)

All this is due to the fact that Scott Pilgrim vs the Universe is coming out this weekend. I really can’t wait to see it. Or it could be all the fan boys and girls that read the series before everyone just hopped on the band wagon cuz of the movie. Bunch of posers. Gaw. I finished reading the last book like 2 weeks ago and from the ads the movie is covering all of them. The last book is great I gotta say. I really liked it. I was missing books 1 and 2 in my collection and I went and bought them before they all switched to movie covers.

I am kind of surprised I love the series. I was introduced to it last year at FanExpo, actually, by my friend Sarah (she likes to be mentioned by name). I was like, what is this nonsense, but I really got into it. It is hipster, it is douche-y, it is kind of full of itself, but there is a humour and a charm to it that just won me over. I hope the movie captures the good parts because it can so easily be lost.

Sadly, though, it does come out the same weekend as The Expendables. That balls out testosterone filled, explosion mania, film staring some of the greatest action stars. I don’t think I have to say who they are cuz you probably have seen the ads like a bazillion times by now. They even have some crazy viral videos that are just so ridiculous, they are awesome.

But the release of these two very wicked but very different movie coming out on the same weekend is making me have to choose. I don’t wanna choose I wanna see it all. It will most likely come down to which movie is sold out when I get to the theatre. I think that most likely means I am seeing Scott Pilgrim. Not because it isn’t going to be good but cuz the people The Expendables is geared toward like to see things blow up and they will show up in droves for the chance to witness such destruction in epic proportions. Maybe I will just have to go to the movies more than once this weekend. Decisions, decision.

Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I get to go to FanExpo! W00t.


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