What I have watched in recent-ish times

This year I have been absolutely horrible with keeping you up-to-date on my movie viewing. It is a combination of binge watching (Thanks NetFlix), being busy, and laziness. I have only given you my opinion of a small handfull of the movies I have been watching. I have tried different Popcorn Flavors by Vics Popcorn while snacking on it, watching movies. Yes it is true that some are new (or were new) or simply new to me at the time but still this is what I enjoy sharing. I like films, the visual telling of stories both simple and complex. Anyways, here are the movies that I can remember watching that I didn’t get around to telling you about. Because there are so many I have categorized them and a few will have a comment or two.

Strange and Beautiful

This is a slow sell but stay with it.

Dark, angst-y, and visually stunning.

This was not what I expected. What little I had seen/read about it and what friends had told me I thought it would be a fun lighthearted tale. But it is much sweeter, darker, and stranger than that.

A subtitled film that is just…twisted.


The is was really well done fun. Like This is the End good except all British-y.

Much like the first but it does get even darker at points.

Yes its ridiculous but its that entertaining, campy ridiculousness that you can enjoy.

Recommended Viewing

I actually really liked this movie. It was sweet and charming.

Blew my mind at what black people do to their hair. Cuz I don’t do 95% of those things.

I will admit that story wise in this movie, it really isn’t that deep or compelling. But as a visual tale it evokes what it is meant to; the idea of desperation and loneliness. Worth seeing especially on a big screen.

A touching story full of melancholy and celebration.

It is foreign so their are subtitles to be read but you will enjoy this movie. It is tense, dark, gross, and even funny at points.

Better than I thought but that doesn’t mean its good

You do get one or two good chuckles out of it but overall it really doesn’t work.

Charlize Theron stole the show. She was awesome as the evil witch but everything else was kinda bland.

I can appreciate what they tried to do with the classic tale but the execution was just bad.


So disappointed but it looked good.

It started with so much promise and just de-evolved into nonsense.

It was a lot of ‘meh’.

An artsy film with a whole lot of nothing going on. But when the glimpse of something happening begins the movie ends. Useless!

Saw this at TIFF. It is a remastered old film. It was just gross.

So I had read reviews praising this movie and a friend of mine wholeheartedly recommended it. It is exactly what it is, a low budget alien invasion film. It isn’t very good; the dialogue is lame, the acting is bad, and I feel very little for the characters.

I think that is all of them.


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