So You Think You Can be Mediocre?

OMG Did you see it?

Same line, totally different feel. So Cory, happened to mention that robotron Katie Holmes was performing on SYTYCD last night for the show’s 100th episode. I am not so sure about the rest of the episode but I tuned in maybe 20 seconds into her performance and horror of horrors. She was trying to work her weave into a tizzy by emulating Judy Garland. To which I say, “Oh Gee, NO!” It wasn’t wholly horrible, I mean I can kind of see where she was going with it and… NO NO NO – Cannot lie, lets face it this pre taped segment of crap was painful to watch. Also, why does she insist on singing? I mean its one thing to sing in your shower and pretend you are Diana Ross or Annie Lennox, but to record this crap and then lip synch to it with britney’s sparkly undies (from her own disastrous MTV music awards performance) and her half baked hip thrusts will not cut it. Also, why does a show like SYTYCD that hopes to keep a high caliber of performance, recruit her – why not an ACTUAL DANCER? I suppose if I got the chance to shake what my mama gave me on tv and make an ass out of myself, I would be all over it. I guess what I am saying is that I can relate to Katie Holmes. OMG! The first sign of the apocalypse is upon us!

Watch  Katie Holmes tries to be Judy Garland in an \”Homage\” piece

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Umm.. also this (I watched it a couple of times, just to make sure I wasn’t criticizing for no reason. A first for me!) why oh why oh why oh why does Katie Holmes pretend that this crappola was live? Watch the bow at the end and she looks on pretending she is looking at a crowd. Girl, we know you too busy to do this soul searing performance live.


First off I have to laugh that you actually comment on your own entry – hilarious – second – I agree I was very, very diappointed with the whold 100th episode – I know it’s a bench mark for show to reach 100 episodes but perhaps this one just should have been benched? I mean the whold KH feiasco was just a mess and not a hot tranny one eihter just simley and irrevocably a mess. TSK TSK is all I have to say.


I wasn’t commenting on my own post – lol! How dare you? I would never stoop to that… EVER! Ok well I would but in this case it was more of an “addendum” situation. So deal!


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