Round Two

So after I wrote about the Middle Eastern Themed Givenchy Haute Show, I was on the blog Jezebel, reading about Lubna Ahmed Hussein who is in the midst of a firestorm of controversy over her arrest for wearing trousers in public in Somalia. She has urged authorities to try her, even though she faces 40 lashes in public. In a BBC interview, she said that she wasn’t afraid of the flogging and she wanted the case to test women’s rights in Sudan. To that, I say – Hats off for being a courageous woman and standing up for yourself and the status of other women who face oppression and abuse around the world. Then, the crackpot Liz Jones of The Daily Mail decided to write an “unbiased” opinion piece of what it was like for her to wear a Burqa around her neighbourhood because of course as a proud over tanning, anorexic, toxic single briton she can totally understand what it must be like for muslim women to make a choice to don a head scarve, a gulf mask (pictured above) or an abaya by wearing it sanctimoniously for a week, all the while putting her own sensibility onto a culture that she has no idea about. But enough about her – the point is that in judging people’s religious or cultural choices is tantamount to saying that we know better about how people should live their lives. Me and Lover ended up talking over messenger and if anything its a snapshot about how not enough can be said about it .

L : so I had read your blog yesterday.

N: Oh ya? And?

L: Hehe

N: You make appearances here and there …

L: Hehe i know. Seems to be the case.

N: we talk about fashion too obviously and I had seen the live feed for the show and outside of this piece, there were some lovely statement making pieces but obviusly lets agree to disagree. To wit?  Givenchy, John Galliano and Gaultier are all making beautiful elaborate robes (Abayas) for women to wear (obvs muslim markets) and so it goes to show that sometimes not everything is as cut and dry as it seems but never mind. Also to argue in my defense – i didnt say you were wrong in any part of it so I do care about what you say


N: Still there? writing your piece in response?

L: well.

N : I will post it too!

L : hey I never said I disagreed with your point.

N : me neither (with L’s point) So we good?

L: And I saw what you wrote and didn’t disagree with it. I just have a slightly more radical pov in addition.
like I wouldn’t mind sacrificing some small for an overall good.

N: Of course but this is also the thing – in some muslim countries – getting rid of the veils – even in france – is not going to randomly alleviate the situation of women. Also, I think that unless you are a muslim woman its hard to understand what its like or that choice (WHEN ITS MADE BY THE WOMAN)

N : … I have to get rid of you on my blog!!!


Addendum – Liz Jones wrote it as a response to Hussein’s trial – but really? we could all do without her Ann Coulterish tactics.

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