Celebrate !!

Hey kittens ! So Tra is back today from T&T (apparently, we have no confirm on touch down or if she took up with some island man whilst on her trip, whore!) and she is slated to return in writing during the week. Alas, this also means that you may hear less from myself and Cory …. OR NOT !!! We are only kidding, there is more to come this week, so stay tuned !!!! Coming up tommorrow – our mini primer on how to keep your relationships simple(r) because clearly we are such the hacks experts, right? All the same, mini lessons to be had this week about your egregious errors, missteps, foibles, issues relationship wise. Write us, if you want and we will get all Aunt Sally says on your behinds!!

P.S: Tratra, I call shenanigans on you and your blog absence !!! too busy w’hinin it up heifer ?!


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