So today I was hoping to have a review of District 9 but alas that is not going to happen. I was supposed to see it last night with my cousin who unceremoniously ditched me. For work. But I don’t care what he ditched me for. He just had to tell them who I was and they would have understood. I mean it is me after all. But oh well, the day has passed and the movie has not been seen. Today is a new day however and I have plans to see it today. I really hope it pans out. I kinda really wanna see this one. And if one more person says to me, “Oh my god! You haven’t seen it yet? It is so good!†I am going to lose it.
Anyways, I am not really sure what I am going to write about today. I was mulling it over with my other cousin (yes I have more than one) and I came up with wine and my trip. I personally don’t think the reader(s) of this site will be interested but you never know so I am going to talk about both of them.
I am no wine connoisseur but I know what I like and what I don’t. I feel kinda bad for doing this but I tried this new wine a friend gave me and I wasn’t impressed. She and I have been friends for a long time so I don’t think this will throw a wrench into our friendship (crosses fingers). The thing is she is not a connoisseur but she is well versed in her wines so she knows what she is talking about. The thing is that it is a rose, which is a good thing, but it is too dry. I like my wine sweet and sometimes bubbly. I mean it isn’t horrible, I will drink it, but it just wasn’t what I was expecting. Maybe I just need to give it another try. I have to drink it while eating the foods that are supposed to accompany it. That means I will have to cook up some seafood or grill some meat. Hmmm…maybe I will do that tomorrow. I have dinner plans!
Well speaking of boozing, let me tell you about my trip. It was amazing! It wasn’t the fact that it was a month in a tropical country but it was more about spending time with my family in my home country. Yes the partying was good, the food was fantastic, and the beach was just wonderful, but my favourite part was just limin’ with my family and just taking it all in.
Like any country, Trinidad has its own feel. It can be hectic but it is laid back at the same time. It has a groove that I am so in sync with that it is intoxicating. I understand where I get it from now; my mellowness, my vibe, my lateness. It is in the blood.
My cousins kept making fun of me cuz apparently I ain’t Trini enough. But I scoffed at them. Just cuz I haven’t been there much or have much of an accent (I seem to develop one when I am there) doesn’t mean I am not Trini. As I said before it seems to be in the blood. I just get into it. I love the place.
Anyways, I am now off to see the movie. I really hope it is good. It has 2 good things going for it a) there are no big stars and b) it is not an American film. So, all signs point to yes.
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