So, this past week was a bit insane. There was a lot of bad and a lot of good happening and all of it together made it really hard to get anything done. This means both at work and at home.
We’ll start on Sunday as this is kinda important to include. I saw Pacific Rim.
Plot is super basic and given away in all the ads: Big monsters are attacking us, we build big robots to stop them. That is all you need to know to go out and see this movie. It is SO GOOD! This is a monster movie done right. It never takes itself too seriously even with the epic speeches and traumatic scenes. It is pure melodrama with a lot of explosions and weapons. The fight scenes are fantastic! What I love about them is you can actually see what is happening. No motion blur or quick cuts they take you through all the action. The monsters and robots are all different making it non-repetitive. It is a sight to be seen! I didn’t see it in 3D and I don’t think I missed anything because I didn’t but it is definitely a big screen film that should be watched in theaters and deserves to be.
It was my birthday week! So you know there was tons of fun to be had. The problem is the week started off with me in pain. As in the whole right side of my face was hurting plus, because of the heat, my ankle started acting up. Yay me! But I sucked it up, went to work and did what I had to do.
Tuesday was game day in my softball league and I was going no matter what. Sadly that was also almost canceled as i had to make an emergency dentist visit to check out what was going on as the pain suddenly became excruciating. The dentist then referred me to a specialist where I would either be getting antibiotics for an infection or a root canal. But I still played ball that night and, even though we lost, it was a good game. Then after my teammates took me out for drinks and food and it was a hella entertaining evening. Lets just say that whip cream came into play at one point that had almost the whole bar laughing at me. It was embarrassing but totally fun.
Then it was Wednesday, my birthday! I was in a little bit of pain but I didn’t care I wasn’t going to let it ruin my day. My friends took me out for lunch. It was so good! Then my department surprised me with an ice cream cake in the afternoon that was accompanied by singing too. It was so much fun. That took up the last hour of my day as I was heading out early. Cuz I had to get ready for JT/Jay-Z concert! WHAT! It was the first show of their ‘Legends of Summer’ tour! I know right. Â I did have to make a stop first though, to see my brother who had a surprise for me.
I wasn’t expecting much of a surprise cuz we don’t usually buy eachother birthday presents. We save up all our money and go a little nuts at Christmas. But boy was it a surprise. He bought me a NIKON CAMERA! It totally blew my mind! I have been without one for the last couple of years and have been making do with the one on my phone but it is not enough. I don’t think I have been doing that much belly aching about it but apparently I have. It was the best surprise ever! So I bought him some froyo.
This was the first picture I had taken with the camera. I swear there is some froyo under there. It was a combo of pear and Snickers flavoured. It may sound strange but it was really, really good. Did you know Yogurty’s gives you 5000 points on your birthday that is 5 dollars off. Awesome!
Then it was off to the concert where I met up with Sarah and we wondered around for a bit. The show was scheduled to start at 8 but of course it didn’t. There was an opener, a DJ, that was on for over an hour. Now if he was good then that would have been fine but he was kinda horrible. When the show finally started at almost 9:30 the crowd went nuts!
They were amazing! They both came out to start the show and then they did this kinda tag team thing for the whole show. So they would do a song together, then Jay-Z would do a couple, they would do 1 or 2 together, then JT would do a couple. It was like that for just over 2 hours. They went through their whole discography hitting on songs from all their albums. They were nonstop, full of energy, and they knew how to keep the crowd hyped. There stage was massive and the whole thing was used as a screen really. They really just put on a light show with almost no choreography or moving anything; it was mostly just them running back and forth across the stage.
Sadly these pics were not taken with my new camera as there was a warning on the tickets that camera could be confiscated or I would not be permitted to enter so I didn’t want to take a chance. I was all the way up in the 500 level at the SkyDome so these were the best shots that I got. After, Sarah treated me to dinner. So overall I had a great birthday thanks to all the people I know!
Thursday wasn’t a great day though. It was a half day at work for me followed by a trip to the dental specialist. Guess who had a root canal! Yes, sadly it was me. And even sadder is that there was an infection and I still have to take antibiotics. I just came home and passed out. I slept for more than 12 hours when I woke up in the morning. Guess whose face was swollen to unnatural proportions and was in extreme pain when they woke up. Yup, you got it, that was me again. I just stayed home. I sent my boss an email about not wanting to scare the children and being attacked by lynch mobs and he understood. I spent Friday in bed too slowly consuming mushy foods. Not the way I wanted to end my week. But there you have it.
So as I said there was a lot of good but unfortunately a lot of bad in there too. As I write this on Saturday afternoon I am hopped up on pain killers and my face is swollen but it has definately gone down. I kinda want to go outside as I am getting restless from being trapped indoors and I have an event to go to. I don’t know if I will go though. We will see.
I almost forgot about my nails! How could I do such a thing? Well cuz it was my birthday week I thought I would do something fun and a bit whimsical. I did balloons. But they are kinda upside down. Have a look.
See? The bunch of balloons look like they are falling down not rising up. I still think it was nice.
This week’s object is my Galaxy Tab. As you can see I play ‘Tiny Tower’. My tower really isn’t that tiny at 173 floors.
I used lots of polish this week:
Base coat – Essie “Grow Faster” Formula
Light Blue – UO “Crowded”
Black – Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro 430 “Black Satin”
Red – Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro 375 “Stiletto Red”
Dark Blue – Essie 784 “Aruba Blue”
Yellow – LA Girl Disco Brites NL72 “Psychedelic”
Green – LA Girl Brites GNL469 “Kryptonite”
Sparkle – Sephora by OPI SEH40 “Lights, Glammer-a, Action!”
Top Coat – LA Girl NT1 Diamond Top Coat
Ok Now that is everything I believe.
1 Comment
Guess Who also got rimmed?
Although I was unable to get over how stupid this movie was I have to admit that it is a good monster movie. If you miss classic Godzilla this really is the movie for you.
Go see it in cinemas and go see it in 3D.
The 3D in this movie is well done and, because EVERY scene is in a CG environment, you get great 3D depth throughout the movie.
Happy Birthday. I wish you success in all things.