Posts Categorized: Moving Pictures

An Evening with …

I have been working on this piece since Sunday. Why? Because this week I was not writing a movie review. The movie I saw on Friday was Push and it was a complete waste of time, talent, and a great concept. The way the film was put together was sloppy and incredibly boring. The movie… […]


This is easily one of the best thriller/action/vengeance films I have seen in a long time. It is swift, brutal, and satisfying. It’s a simple film, with a simple story, that is well played out. It is about a father (Liam Neeson) and his fight to get his kidnapped daughter (Maggie Grace) back. They… …more

Project Runaway

On Jan 27 was the premiere of the new season of Project Runway Canada. I was totally excited because it is one of the very few reality shows I bother watching. Yes it is about competition but there is a good balance between that and creativity. There is drama but it is not excessivelyhyped up… […]


This movie has a theme that doesn’t allow people to say bad things about it. It is just kind of a rule. But to tell you the truth the movie isn’t that good. There are parts that are shocking but that’s about it. Defiance is a movie about a group of Jewish people hiding… …more

Trailer Interrupted

Mr I-think-its-ok-to-name-someone-Mr.Cake
Mr Cakes-and-clocks-don’t-mix
Mr My-birth-scene-looks-like-The-Omen
Mr My-daddy-abandoned-me-cuz-I-was-an-ugly-baby

The Curious Case of Why Benjamin is Overrated

Dear Benjamin, I know you must be moping around that you have remained largely ignored thus far in the awards race. I just wanted to let you know that it’s not because we hate you, because we don’t, it’s just that you are kind of overrated. I mean in comparison to you, a relatively… …more

Guilty Pleasures – Movie Edition

I love movies and for me there is no real guilty pleasure in watching a movie that I like. But I have to say when I admit to watching and liking some of these I am ridiculed by some of my “friends”. But I didn’t go to the movies this week and I had to… […]

What’s the exchange rate?

Slumdog Millionaire Even though it was a whole day and a second late, my 2009 movie watching has started on the right foot. I am glad I convinced myself not to waste my time and money on, what I hear, is a horrible movie. I may still go see The Spirit at some point… …more

It Was nice to have met you

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button In the last few weeks I haven’t written any movie reviews. This isn’t because I haven’t seen any movies but because there was nothing that I have seen that moved me to write one. The movies I have seen in the last while have been either mediocre or… …more

I’m Done

I don’t know why I do it. Over and over on a Tuesday night I sit and watch or listen to Fringe. I am simply torturing myself. I think my problem is that I have been hoping for a replacement for The X-Files and trust… …more